Actuality For Impact aims to democratize the art and practice of storytelling by providing accessible, ethical, and collaborative documentary storytelling training to individuals and communities worldwide.


Education and Empowerment

We provide comprehensive storytelling workshops and resources, making them accessible to individuals and communities who lack the economic means to otherwise obtain such training. Our curriculum is designed to be ethical, collaborative, and impact-driven, ensuring that participants can effectively document and share their stories.

Collaboration and Storysharing

Beyond education, we actively facilitate connections between established storytellers and communities with important narratives. This includes creating platforms for shared projects, offering networking opportunities, and providing resources for collaborative storytelling endeavors. Our goal is to ensure that important stories are not only documented but also shared, creating a ripple effect of awareness, understanding, and action.


Actuality For Impact is a 501(c)3 registered nonprofit organization in the United States. We exist to address a fundamental gap in global storytelling—a lack of accessibility to the tools, training, and platforms necessary for underrepresented communities to share their narratives. Recognizing the power of stories to inspire change, foster empathy, and connect diverse cultures, the organization was established as a nonprofit to:

  • Democratize Storytelling: By providing accessible, ethical, and impactful documentary storytelling training and resources, Actuality For Impact ensures that individuals and communities worldwide, regardless of their economic status, can learn to effectively document and share their stories.
  • Facilitate Collaborative Storytelling: Understanding that many important narratives remain untold due to logistical, financial, or technical barriers, Actuality For Impact creates opportunities for collaboration between aspiring storytellers and communities. This approach not only enriches the storytelling process but also ensures that a broader spectrum of stories is brought to light, contributing to a more inclusive global narrative.
  • Encourage Volunteering and Engagement: By operating as a nonprofit, Actuality For Impact allows participants from its sister organization, Actuality Abroad, and other volunteers to engage in meaningful, socially impactful work. This not only enhances the educational experience of participants but also fosters a culture of giving back and using one’s skills for a greater good.
  • Sustain and Expand Impact: The nonprofit model enables Actuality For Impact to receive donations, grants, and volunteer support, ensuring the sustainability and expansion of its programs. This financial model supports the organization’s mission to reach more individuals and communities, making storytelling training more accessible and fostering a global network of storytellers committed to social change.


We invite engagement from individuals, communities, and organizations through various avenues:

  • Volunteering and Mentorship: Share your expertise in storytelling, offer mentorship to aspiring storytellers, or support our operations and outreach efforts.
  • Financial Support: Contribute through donations or sponsorships, enabling us to expand our programs, offer more scholarships, and support storytelling projects.
  • Partnerships: Join us as a collaborative partner to host workshops, share resources, or amplify the stories we help bring to light.
  • Storytelling Collaborations: Whether you have a story to tell or wish to document the narratives of others, we provide a platform for collaborative storytelling projects.
  • Advocacy: Help us spread the word about our mission and the stories that emerge from our collaborations, fostering a global community that values and shares impactful narratives.
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