What is the difference? Documentary Outreach vs Storytelling Expedition

At Actuality Abroad, we believe in the transformative power of storytelling. Our unique educational travel experiences—Documentary Outreach and Storytelling Expedition—are designed to immerse participants in the art of documentary storytelling while exploring vibrant cultures and communities around the globe. While both trips offer incredible opportunities to develop storytelling skills, they cater to different interests and schedules. Here’s what sets each apart and what they have in common.


A story – at its core – is a telling of an event crafted to engage an audience.

What elements are essential to command attention?

In the realm of documentary filmmaking, you figure this out during the transition from research to planning. Creating the story summary is crucial moment, when you finally able to define the backbone of your narrative. This is not merely a step in the process; it’s an art form that involves weaving together crucial elements to ensure your audience is not just watching, but experiencing and engaging with your narrative.

Here’s how you can craft a compelling story summary that will serve as the foundation of your documentary production.

Wrap Report: Storytelling Expedition to Guatemala 2023

In July 2023, a group of intrepid nine storytellers embarked on a unique expedition to Guatemala. More than just a travel experience, it was a journey destined to become an odyssey into the heart of documentary storytelling. Each location, from the cobblestoned streets of Antigua to the serene waters of Lake Atitlan, served as a canvas for their adventure and their narratives. Organized by Actuality Abroad, with guidance on the ground by a local guide from Etnica Travel, this undertaking was not just about documenting important stories. It was about immersion, understanding, and the pursuit of authentic narratives that resonate with the soul of the places and people they encountered.


Shoot. Capture. Subject. Take. Trigger.

These words are starting to feel uncomfortable.

We used to love using them. They made us feel special. These words and others are the coded language we could speak, signaling to others ‘in the business’ that we belonged.

Yet, these words are inherently violent…


Shoot. Capture. Subject. Take. Trigger.

These words are starting to feel uncomfortable.

We used to love using them. They made us feel special. These words and others are the coded language we could speak, signaling to others ‘in the business’ that we belonged.

Yet, these words are inherently violent…