Storytelling Expedition Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our Storytelling Expedition FAQ! Here, we’ve gathered the most common questions about our trip to help you prepare. From the types of stories we’ll be telling to your role on the crew, equipment requirements, and logistics, you’ll find all the essential information. Whether you’re an aspiring media-maker or a seasoned storyteller, this guide will help you understand what to expect and how to make the most of this unique experience. Dive in to get the details on how we work, what you need to bring, and more.

What is the difference? Documentary Outreach vs Storytelling Expedition

At Actuality Abroad, we believe in the transformative power of storytelling. Our unique educational travel experiences—Documentary Outreach and Storytelling Expedition—are designed to immerse participants in the art of documentary storytelling while exploring vibrant cultures and communities around the globe. While both trips offer incredible opportunities to develop storytelling skills, they cater to different interests and schedules. Here’s what sets each apart and what they have in common.


Shoot. Capture. Subject. Take. Trigger.

These words are starting to feel uncomfortable.

We used to love using them. They made us feel special. These words and others are the coded language we could speak, signaling to others ‘in the business’ that we belonged.

Yet, these words are inherently violent…

Stacking dominos.

There is no such thing as ‘impact travel.’

There is no such thing as impact travel.

The reality is – we ALWAYS make an impact when we travel. For better or worse, our physical presence in a new place disrupts the status quo. It may be a tiny ripple. It may be a tidal wave. It may be another drop into an already cascading waterfall. But, in every destination, things will be different because we showed up.

Instead of getting caught up in the latest travel buzz words ask yourself…

What KIND of impact do I want to make in this place?


As a traveler, when you take up the mantle of a citizen storyteller, you now have a purpose to frame all of your future journeys. You can experience destinations from the perspective of the people who live there, develop relationships with remarkable humans who live differently than you, and use your travels to contribute in a useful, meaningful way.

Becoming a citizen storyteller enables deeper connection with yourself, your community, the causes you care about and the world you live in.